
Archive for Abril, 2010|Monthly archive page

The new real

In Creativity, Curiosidades, desenho industrial, Design gráfico, Future, Graphic design, Industrial design, Innovation, produto on Abril 12, 2010 at 2:37 pm

Google Envelope

Some decades ago we experienced a huge transformation in our culture. Everything that we know was translated to the digital world. Photography, calendar, letters, music, television, shopping, relationship, sex, phones, games etc got a virtual version. Now we’re living a return. People are digging for new ways to bring to the real life the same experience that they got in the digital world. People are printing photo albumsplaying Cosplay, doing on demand books, going to social media meeting and now creating a new concept of e-mail: an ordinary snail mail. Funny isn’t it?
Two students from Syracuse University came up with the Google Envelope’s concept. Rahul Mahtani & Yofred Moik developed a proposal for the Gmail application that will send a taylormade envelope with a map and an address printed. In fact, the envelope’s face looks like the google maps interface and easily show the best route to reach the mail’s deliver address. Cleaver, easy and astonishing as every good idea.