
Archive for the ‘Innovation’ Category

Wall Decals

In arquitetura, Artes plásticas, Arts, Creativity, Curiosidades, Graphic design, Innovation, produto on Setembro 9, 2010 at 1:36 am

Wall decals

I really love the myriads of ways to personalize environments, cars, objects and even people, giving soul to your things. It is so funny. For example, I apply some flowers at my daughter’s bedroom and she, with only 3 years old,  loved it a lot. But these new vinyl peel and stick wall decals really tease me. It brought my past to the surface and I feel like a young nerd again, lol. It’s so cool to see that old and vintage pixelated games at the wall and walk through the game. Really cool and its been sold at Think Geek’s website. I will buy some for my office. You can bet on it.

The new real

In Creativity, Curiosidades, desenho industrial, Design gráfico, Future, Graphic design, Industrial design, Innovation, produto on Abril 12, 2010 at 2:37 pm

Google Envelope

Some decades ago we experienced a huge transformation in our culture. Everything that we know was translated to the digital world. Photography, calendar, letters, music, television, shopping, relationship, sex, phones, games etc got a virtual version. Now we’re living a return. People are digging for new ways to bring to the real life the same experience that they got in the digital world. People are printing photo albumsplaying Cosplay, doing on demand books, going to social media meeting and now creating a new concept of e-mail: an ordinary snail mail. Funny isn’t it?
Two students from Syracuse University came up with the Google Envelope’s concept. Rahul Mahtani & Yofred Moik developed a proposal for the Gmail application that will send a taylormade envelope with a map and an address printed. In fact, the envelope’s face looks like the google maps interface and easily show the best route to reach the mail’s deliver address. Cleaver, easy and astonishing as every good idea.

Organic LED Display

In Curiosidades, desenho industrial, Future, Industrial design, Innovation, produto, Uncategorized on Março 23, 2010 at 1:58 am

Flexible LED organic display

The Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) display is a technology based on LEDs (light-emitting diode) but in a diferent way. In the 80’s Kodak creates a flat LED flexible layer which emits light. Sony took the concept and built the OLED composed by a layer made with organic compounds. The technology device is an amazing flat, flexible, transparent and light that allows Sony to built a very thin screens. Do you figure out about the future after that technology? Military camouflage working as chamaeleon skin? Harry Potter’s news paper? Animated fabrics? Information in real glass windows? Yep… It’s a new world. Watch more about that in my isofa channel.


In Creativity, Curiosidades, Innovation, produto, Uncategorized on Março 20, 2010 at 1:08 am

Revenge sound effects

I don’t know you guys but I have a noise neighbor and it could be a redemption for me. That CD is a collection of noise sound effects for you fight back your next door hooligans.  The CD contains 20 ear-splitting sound effect tracks to your sound war as drill, 200 people’s party, embarrassing orgasm, train, child’s drum, inhuman screams, high heels walking, domestic squabble, doors banging, bowling (hahahaha!!!) unhappy dog, practicing scales, traffic jam, garbage truck, newborn, phone ringing, ball game, pigeons, spring cleaning and Cock-a-Doodle-Doo. That collections is very funny and came with, off course, an earplugs included. It is made in France and sold here.


In Creativity, Curiosidades, Design gráfico, Food, Graphic design, Innovation, Marketing, Midia action, Midia experta on Março 19, 2010 at 4:53 am
Woopersface from Brazil

This is an very simple and astonishing action for Burger King Brazil created by Ogilvy Brazil. The simplicity came with an cashier, a hidden camera, a printer and a client. To prove that Whoppers are made to order each whoppers delivered had the clients face printed in the wrapping paper, in minutes with the order. By the way, “made to order” has an expression in portuguese: something like “made as your face”. Great concept. Click here to see the video in my isofa’s channel. (source:

Home Office

In Creativity, Curiosidades, desenho industrial, Innovation, produto on Março 18, 2010 at 2:26 am

Office Pod change the workplace

This is a very curious concept for a home office. The Office Pod is a unique and exclusive container. This garden’s home office was developed for open places how keeps you, and also your remote work force, isolated from the house’s mess and focused on the job. In fact the Office Pod is a complete workplace with all structure, furniture and all electrical, data and phone installation ready to use. The “portable office” is delivered and build in one day but only in UK.

Giant Shamrock Shake

In Creativity, Curiosidades, Design gráfico, Direção de arte, Innovation, Marketing, Midia action, Midia experta, mock up on Março 18, 2010 at 12:23 am

Giant Shamrock McDonalds's Shake

This is a smart McDonalds’s marketing action for St. Patrick’s day in Chicago. The Chicagoan Leo Burnett creates a huge Shamrock Shake mock-up, playing with the traditional Chicago river Greenning.
The Chicago’s citizens every year, since 1961, celebrate the “greens of Irelanddyeing the Chicago River with an amazing, non toxic, Irish green color. (photo:

Sugar’s Innovation

In Artes plásticas, Curiosidades, Food, Graphic design, Innovation, Sculpture on Março 10, 2010 at 3:30 pm

Yellow submarine cake

That will be my first post in english. Be gentle friends. =)

The image is of an amazing cake made by the Brazilian bakery “Dentro do Forno” (inside the oven) from Carla Ikeda, in São Paulo. She is a 34 years entrepreneur woman who expend 60 hours to make the cake “Yellow Submarine”, inspired on the Beatles psychedelic experience from ’60s. There is no doubt that she is an amazing artist doing a myriad of surprising cakes. Very colorful and filled of details her work is reference in terms of what Seth Godin says when he mentions “Don’t be a cover band”. She innovates with just sugar and talent.