
Posts Tagged ‘wall’

Power to the people

In Artes plásticas, Arts, Creativity, Curiosidades, Design gráfico, Graphic design, Midia experta on Setembro 18, 2011 at 5:57 am

Before I die

It´s amazing what the internet made with people through social media. In a few years everybody is hungry to express their selves. About 20 years ago we were just followers but today we provide our unique vision. There are some examples of that and I found one that is lovely.  Candy Chang is a graphic designer and artist, who made a project called “before I die”, were she explore the ways were people share information in public spaces, improving their neighborhoods and their personal well-being. The project “Before I die” open a channel to people express their fellings at the most simple way: Writting on the wall. Check this out.

Before I die

Wall Decals

In arquitetura, Artes plásticas, Arts, Creativity, Curiosidades, Graphic design, Innovation, produto on Setembro 9, 2010 at 1:36 am

Wall decals

I really love the myriads of ways to personalize environments, cars, objects and even people, giving soul to your things. It is so funny. For example, I apply some flowers at my daughter’s bedroom and she, with only 3 years old,  loved it a lot. But these new vinyl peel and stick wall decals really tease me. It brought my past to the surface and I feel like a young nerd again, lol. It’s so cool to see that old and vintage pixelated games at the wall and walk through the game. Really cool and its been sold at Think Geek’s website. I will buy some for my office. You can bet on it.