
Posts Tagged ‘Brazil’


In Creativity, Curiosidades, Design gráfico, Food, Graphic design, Innovation, Marketing, Midia action, Midia experta on Março 19, 2010 at 4:53 am
Woopersface from Brazil

This is an very simple and astonishing action for Burger King Brazil created by Ogilvy Brazil. The simplicity came with an cashier, a hidden camera, a printer and a client. To prove that Whoppers are made to order each whoppers delivered had the clients face printed in the wrapping paper, in minutes with the order. By the way, “made to order” has an expression in portuguese: something like “made as your face”. Great concept. Click here to see the video in my isofa’s channel. (source:

Sugar’s Innovation

In Artes plásticas, Curiosidades, Food, Graphic design, Innovation, Sculpture on Março 10, 2010 at 3:30 pm

Yellow submarine cake

That will be my first post in english. Be gentle friends. =)

The image is of an amazing cake made by the Brazilian bakery “Dentro do Forno” (inside the oven) from Carla Ikeda, in São Paulo. She is a 34 years entrepreneur woman who expend 60 hours to make the cake “Yellow Submarine”, inspired on the Beatles psychedelic experience from ’60s. There is no doubt that she is an amazing artist doing a myriad of surprising cakes. Very colorful and filled of details her work is reference in terms of what Seth Godin says when he mentions “Don’t be a cover band”. She innovates with just sugar and talent.

Novos Sucos Bárbaros

In 3D, Curiosidades, Design gráfico on Março 24, 2009 at 5:08 pm
Novos sucos bárbaros

Novos sucos bárbaros

Nos estados unidos o designer Marc Valega desenvolveu a linha de embalagens “Beatle Juice“, com os sabores John “Lemon”, “Apple” McCartney, George “Pearrison” e “Mango” Starr. Aqui no Brasil, inspirada no mesmo conceito o estúdio de design Gaucho Bistrô desenvolveu a divertida linha de caixas de “sucos fake”. A linha de embalegens gaucha recebeu o título de “Os Sucos Bárbaros”, inspiradas em alguns dos tropicalistas que atuam até hoje na nossa música popular. São eles: MaracuGil, Maria BeTâmara, AbaCaetano e GalRaná Costa. As embalagens podem ser baixadas diretamente pelos links acima, do blog da Bistrô.