
Posts Tagged ‘OLED’

Organic LED Display

In Curiosidades, desenho industrial, Future, Industrial design, Innovation, produto, Uncategorized on Março 23, 2010 at 1:58 am

Flexible LED organic display

The Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) display is a technology based on LEDs (light-emitting diode) but in a diferent way. In the 80’s Kodak creates a flat LED flexible layer which emits light. Sony took the concept and built the OLED composed by a layer made with organic compounds. The technology device is an amazing flat, flexible, transparent and light that allows Sony to built a very thin screens. Do you figure out about the future after that technology? Military camouflage working as chamaeleon skin? Harry Potter’s news paper? Animated fabrics? Information in real glass windows? Yep… It’s a new world. Watch more about that in my isofa channel.