
Archive for 20 de Março, 2010|Daily archive page

Melted Ice cream truck

In Artes plásticas, Arts, Creativity, Curiosidades, mock up, Sculpture on Março 20, 2010 at 10:38 am

Melted Ice Cream Truck

No, that’s not an impressive effect of the global warming. These melted truck was a sculpture from the 2006’s “Sculpture by the sea”, an Australian exhibition that occurs every year in Perth, Australia.  The event puts local, interstate and international artists together and transform Perth’s most popular beach into a stunning sculpture park facing the Indian Ocean.


In Creativity, Curiosidades, Innovation, produto, Uncategorized on Março 20, 2010 at 1:08 am

Revenge sound effects

I don’t know you guys but I have a noise neighbor and it could be a redemption for me. That CD is a collection of noise sound effects for you fight back your next door hooligans.  The CD contains 20 ear-splitting sound effect tracks to your sound war as drill, 200 people’s party, embarrassing orgasm, train, child’s drum, inhuman screams, high heels walking, domestic squabble, doors banging, bowling (hahahaha!!!) unhappy dog, practicing scales, traffic jam, garbage truck, newborn, phone ringing, ball game, pigeons, spring cleaning and Cock-a-Doodle-Doo. That collections is very funny and came with, off course, an earplugs included. It is made in France and sold here.